Date: 8th June 2015
Venue: IAMM Museum Restaurant and the Open Space Gallery
For the second consecutive year, IAMM in collaboration with StudioBasel is , is once again organising a photography exhibition in conjunction with the International Ramadan Photography Competition (IRPC), annual photography competition organized by StudioBasel carrying a theme of Ramadan celebrations from all over the worlds. “The Holy Month of Ramadan: A Visual Celebration”, which is sponsored by CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad, was launched by the Chief Executive Officer, Mr Badlisyah Abdul Ghani on 8th June 2015 in presence of the International Ramadan Photography Competition (IRPC)’s founder and creative director Dr. Basel Almisshal and also the Museum Director, Syed Mohamad Albukhary.
Among the famous faces within the crowds during the ceremony are a prominent muslim film maker and photographer from the United States, Mustafa Davies, and performers, Idris Philips and Alman Nusrat . The exhibition, which will be displayed until 31st August 2015, exhibits 66 outstanding works from the photography competition of Capture the Spirit of Ramadan. In conjunction with the exhibition, a catalogue featuring more than 300 photographs submitted to the exhibition including the winners were published and now available at the museum shop and retails.