Title : Rhythm & Verses: Masterpieces of Persian Calligraphy
Author : Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia
Price : RM90.00
Size : 10" x 12"
Year : 2004
ISBN No : 983-40845-5-2
Illustration : 320 colour
Pages : 185 pages
In this highly original publication, Dr Heba Nayel Barakat explores the brilliance of Persian single folios. These works from the 16th to the 19th century are among the finest achievements of Islamic civilisation, and yet have received little attention from scholars or publishers. Accompanying an exhibition of the same name, this catalogue examines more than just the beauty of these calligraphic masterpieces in the collection of the Islamic Arts Museum Malaysia. The author also brings to life the rhythmic quality of the folios. New light is shed on a field that is both fascinating and mysterious.